Saturday, October 10, 2015

Journey journal reflection

At the beginning of witting my journey journal I thought that when the moment came to give it in I would be trilled, but now that moment is here this isn’t the case. Those where my initial thoughts because when I was in high school my English teacher assigned a diary too, so for years I hated it and wasn’t too happy to do this once again. I find this to be ironic because writing is something that I really enjoy and do in my free time, although not in English. Now I know that my experience with this journal was totally different because I am now a different person and taking some free time to write, sometimes is just what I need. In addition the rules of the game were different because here I wasn’t just writing what I did on my day and thinking about it, here I could just let go of everything that I’ve been thought and let loose. When this process started it was very hard to let go and there was a lot of overthinking on what to write on my part. I was thinking so much of how difficult it was just to disconnect logical reasoning from my witting process that this became my main obstacle, it was a vicious cycle.

I don’t remember exactly what day it was, but one time I was so mad and had so much stress that I began writing and the ten minutes had passed so quickly that I almost didn’t remember what I wrote, when I read this entry was that I noticed that for the first time I had finally went for the jugular and had been writing unconstrained. So after this things got a lot easier and I was able to find out a lot about myself. For example now that I look back to my life compass numbers and what was written, everything was happier and more inspiring when I did it on the tranquility of my home and specially when there was music present. This makes a lot of sense to me because one of my biggest passions in life is creating rhythms so when I was surrounded by them my overall mood, physical wellbeing and even my spirituality was higher. The darkest entries and lowest numbers on my life compass where when either I had a lot of stress about my future, mainly because I’m graduating soon and the uncertainty is something which I don’t like, or when I was remembering some of the people that I’ve lost in the last few years.


  1. I really like your photos. And, I think that every one of us felt the same way. We went for the jugular and we find it. Our home is our favorite places, but it is very unique but peaceful that you use music for inspiration.

  2. For me the journal has helped me relax, but yeah, as you, this also helped me out in my writings.
